Friday, March 30, 2007

Mac Poker

One of the porblems we all have with this new exciting online life is that not everything works on every machine. This might seem a little silly, as most things work through browsers, so they should all be the same, right? Doesn't matter what the underlying operating system is?

Well, yes and no. There's the part where Microsoft doesn't actually follow it's own guidelines in IE, meaning that Forefox )or Opera or Safari) are rule compliant while IE isn't. But that's not all.

Many of the more interesting and exciting sites actually ask you to download software which will then operate on your own machine, not inside the browser. Poker sites, just as an example.

Which brings us to the problem of, how do we find thhose sites that do in fact work with hte OS and machines that we have? Fortunately for Mac users there's Mac Poker. It's an excellent little site that provides you not just with a list of the sites that are compatible with the Mac and offer poker, no, it's much more than that.

For example, here's a full review of Pacific Poker. Where it's good, where it's not quite so good (the reviews are both complete and informative, they're not just sales pitches).

There's also a full listing of online casino bonuses to round out the information.

All in all it's as complete a guide to poker on the Mac as you're going to find and is thus highly recommended.


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